Poseidon, the Earth-Shaker
GeoVera has adopted Poseidon as their mascot.
Poseidon, the Greek god of earthquakes, earned the epithet “Earth-Shaker” in Greek mythology. According to legend, when Poseidon struck the earth with his trident, he could cause springs to gush forth, storms to brew, and, most notably, the ground to tremble and crack open.
Poseidon stands as a figure of immense power and unpredictable temperament in ancient mythology. Often depicted wielding his trident, with which he could stir the oceans and shake the land, Poseidon’s connection to earthquakes is both fascinating and symbolic, representing the ancient Greeks’ efforts to understand and personify the natural forces that shaped their world.
Today, our understanding of earthquakes is grounded in geological science, yet the myth of Poseidon continues to captivate the imagination. The ancient Greeks lived in a region prone to seismic activity as do we. Given the real-world risk, now is the time to consider how GeoVera’s Earthquake insurance will provide the protection you don’t get from your Homeowners insurance policy.