The “Big One” is a real threat to both Southern and Northern Californians, but new research suggests that Central California also has the potential to experience larger devastating quakes.
This is based on evidence recently unearthed by scientists that shows Central California most likely has experienced much larger quakes than previously thought.
California’s legendary 800-mile-long San Andreas fault is to blame. The fault is separated into 3 sections: southern, central, and northern. It was previously thought that the plates in the central section had enough aseismic creep to release the amount of pressure needed to prevent large quakes from occurring in Central California.
However, new research has uncovered historical evidence that large earthquakes have occurred along the central section.
Should Central Californians be alarmed? No, but this research helps everyone to prepare for the biggest possible event. And now it is more clear that all Californians should be prepared.
Here are quick steps you can take to prepare for an earthquake:
1. Make sure you receive ShakeAlerts for your area, a few seconds can save your life!
2. Practice Drop, Cover, Hold
3. Protect your home equity with earthquake insurance from GeoVera
Scientists have warned for decades that the “Big One” can strike California any time. The state is overdue for a large seismic event, and now is the time to prepare.
If you own a home in California, your Homeowners insurance most likely does not provide coverage for earthquake damage. Talk to your Homeowners agent about affordable earthquake coverage from GeoVera. You’ll want GeoVera on your side when the next quake strikes.